2013 Volvo B5LH Wright Gemini 2 Bus - N1 OXF

Type of Vehicle - Volvo B5LH Wright Gemini 2 HEV H45/27F
Year Built/Registered - 2013
Vehicle Description - see below
Reg No - N1 OXF
Fleet No - 368
Livery/Operator - Bespoke Livery promoting Oxfordshire Prostate Cancer Support Group

Entered by Cherwell Bus Preservation Group on behalf of Oxford Bus Company sponsoring Oxfordshire Prostate Cancer Support Group

The penultimate member of a nineteen vehicle batch of Volvo B5LH Hybrid low height double deckers delivered in 2013 for Oxford City routes. Originally allocated to and route branded the then and now 500 Oxford Parkway Park and Ride service, 368 then switched to X3/X13 Abingdon services. In 2018 it was re-liveried into a bespoke white livery to promote the Oxfordshire Prostate Support Group, in partnership with OBC, a worthwhile cause which we are pleased to again promote today.