Why Midland Red turned to the Fleetline and Leopard

Title: Midland Red Double-Deckers Midland Red Single-Deckers

Author: David Harvey

Publisher: Amberley Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-4456-6786-7 (Double-Deck) 978-1-4456-6796-6 (Single-Deck)

Specification: 233mm x 165mm, 160pp (Double-Deck), 192pp (Single- Deck), softback

Price: £16.99

In these two liberally illustrated books, David Harvey tells the story of all the doubleand single-deck service buses operated by Midland Red from its formation in 1903 until 1980, the year before it was split up into smaller National Bus Company subsidiaries.

Not just those ordered by, and for many years also manufactured by Midland Red, but also those taken over from other operators whose businesses were acquired up to the mid-1970s.

Although produced to the familiar Amberley format, this is far more than a pair of picture albums, as chapters describe the vehicles in considerable detail, with informed comment about how many of them performed in service, why events took the turns that they did and when the different types left the fleet. The captions to the black and white photographs also are detailed and often lengthy.

At 2p short of £34, the combined price of these two volumes (with over 350 pages between them) represents good va…

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