Slower yet and slower


Watchdog demands action to halt expected reduction in bus speeds

Passenger numbers and bus speeds are expected to reduce again over the next five years, prompting London TravelWatch to demand more priorities for buses over other traffic. The figures are contained in Transport for London’s latest business plan for the five years to 2023/24, which its finance committee approved on 13 December. Passenger journeys are expected to continue falling annually from 2.2billion in 2018/19 to 2.03billion, with average bus speeds expected to drop from 9.2mph to 9mph.

‘The business plan makes really depressing reading for London’s beleaguered bus passengers,’ says London TravelWatch chair Arthur Leathley. ‘The previous business plan suggested that bus journey times would not recover from their recent decline. This plan shows bus journey times getting even longer. ‘Combine this with the cuts to services that are being consulted on and it is easy to see why bus passengers are abandoning their services. However, for many passengers there is not a choice and they will have to continue to use slow services and suffer the inconvenience. This is dreadful news.’

Leathley says the statutory watchdog has pre…

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