Service alterations help First Glasgow combat driver shortage

First Glasgow implemented more than 30 ser vice alterations on Februar y 5 to help with a continuing driver shortage, and improve the reliability and performance of its network. The company says that by releasing driver resources these changes would allow it to offer its customers a more consistent ser vice throughout its operation, and that it is continuing its aggressive recruitment efforts to overcome the significant driver shortages that it has been experiencing for some time. Most of the changes affected early morning, evening or Sunday times or frequencies, but one beneficial effect of the changes has been to reinstate night journeys on ser vice 500, thus restoring a 24hr facility between Buchanan bus station and Glasgow Airport. A further improvement to this ser vice is scheduled for March 23, when the daytime frequency will be increased from 15min to 12min, with additional evening journeys also added. A notable feature of the changes is that First has given up operation of nine Strathclyde Partnership for Transport tendered ser vices in advance of the contract expir y dates. They are all-week, daytime/evenings ser vices 59 (Mosspark-Glasgow city centre), 93/193 (Parkside or Coltness-P…

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