1995 Volvo B10M / Alexander PS - N215 TDU

1995 Volvo B10M / Alexander PS - N215 TDU

Type of Vehicle - Bus

Registered Vehicle make - Volvo

Registered Vehicle model - B10M / Alexander PS

Year built/registered - 1995

Reg No. N215 TDU

Fleet No. 20215

Livery/Operator - Stagecoach


Vehicle Description:

Volvo B10M/Alexander PS new to Stagecoach Warwickshire in 1995

New to Stagecoach Warwickshire in 1995 and ran for a number of years on Nuneaton routes, after withdrawal, became a training bus, restored to its former glory by a dedicated team at Stagecoach Nuneaton depot over the last couple of years , is now part of the Stagecoach Midlands heritage fleet