1983 Bristol RE Bus - BXI 2599

1983 Bristol RE Bus - BXI 2599

Type of Vehicle - Bus

Registered Vehicle make - Bristol

Registered Vehicle model - RE

Year built/registered - 1983

Reg No. BXI 2599    Fleet No. 2599

Livery/Operator - Ulsterbus


Vehicle Description:

2599 is a 1983 bristol re with Alexander x type (belfast)

2599 is the second to last Bristol re ever built and is the newest surviving re ever built.
It entered service in 1983 based at Coleraine depot until 2004 .
It passed to David Clarke until 2006 then it got shipped to England where Mike Nash owned it until 2013.
I bought it in December of 2013 and in July 2023 we took 2599 back to Coleraine depot to meet up with the new 2599