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Deloitte report reveals collapsed group owed over £60m

Administrators at Deloitte have revealed that Wrights Group owed...

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Stagecoach expects its drivers and passengers to set pace of autonomy

Stagecoach’s autonomous Alexander Dennis Enviro200 development...

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Czech-US trolleybus set to return to Europe

Enthusiasts in the Czech Republic have launched a crowdfunding...

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Wings KSW may fly again…on battery power

The editor’s sideways view of the bus scene Please send any...

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FoBowingthe donation from Go North East described in our November...

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These audio-visual announcements are often unhelpful

I sometimes travel on the Metrobus routes that come into Tunbridge...

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In Fleet News this month

FLEETNEWS ENGLAND & WALES BODY TYPE AB Articulated single-deck...

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EFE adds detail to its Leyland National

MODELS OF THE MONTH Vehicle: London Transport Leyland National...

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High-profile routes with various levels of segregated track have...

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Are you running events in 2020/21?

We have begun gathering information for our comprehensive 2020/21...

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Rosso revises in Rochdale and Bury

Following the receipt of permission from Transport for Greater...

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Subscription scheme saves suspended seaside service

A lifeline Torbay bus service suspended last December (Buses...

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Jest electrics enter service in Madeira

Five Karsan Jest electric minibuses have entered service on a...

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Uncertainly over fuel-cell double-deck delivery date

Transport for London has confirmed that the hydrogen refuelling...

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Does passenger info get any more sparse than this?

You may think that all such traditional cast metal stop flags...

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Deregulation would be a backward move in London

I wonder whether James Curry (You Write last month) and other...

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White Lady graces Glasgow gathering

PICTURE: KEITH McGILLIVRAY Adding more distantly travelled...

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Pre-tax profit for McGill’s despite passenger decline

SCOTTISH COLUMN Greenock-based McGill’s Bus Service posted...

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BYD seeks weight and cost reduction

BYD, currently claiming to be the biggest supplier of electric...

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Enviro500 bids for interurban orders

Alexander Dennis — at its first Busworld Europe since becoming...

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As part of our 70th anniversary, BOB HIND continues from the...

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Volvo to launch double-deck 9700 in Nordic market

Volvo’s 9800 DD for Mexico. VOLVO Volvo is to offer a double-deck...

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Logistics man to head Cardiff Bus

BUS PEOPLE A freight logistics expert is the new managing...

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Pioneering DRT Click is cancelled in Kent

In a tersely worded statement, Arriva has announced that what...

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German routes at risk over planned VAT cut on rail fares

Flixbus has threatened to cut 100 destinations from its domestic...

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Trial confirms fuel savings with Allison’s xFE transmission

A 15-month trial of Allison’s xFE transmission hardware and...

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Ladybird lampoons the Leyland National

Once a best selling educational book series for children, the...

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Five cylinders in LSX’s horizontal Gardner

May I please offer a minor correction to the information given...

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Keighley trolleybus is work in progress

PICTURE: ANDREW RAPACZ The restoration work on the oldest...

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A lighthearted view of life from the upper deck

This is a quite different — unique even — book with a London...